2009年9月9日 星期三

My shattered heart

Some say time is a cure,
Many will say love is pure,
But I say everyone lied.

Until today, I still think about you in my dreams,
I still hope I can hold you in my arms,
I still want to say "I love you".
But what I dream is different from what I have.

What I have is a broken heart.
Pieces scattered throughout memories,
I feel lost in time and space,
You haunt me with your hugs,
You shadow me with your kisses.

For a whole year, I have been looking for myself,
I covered my sadness with my smiles,
I covered my tears with my sweat,
I covered my memories of you with fantasy.
In the end, nothing could cover my love for you.

For my only S.L.

2 則留言:

  1. Dude, that is a really sad picture there.
    It hurts to see it.
    The poem is pretty good.. emotional..
    I wonder who that girl is.
    Keep writing! :D
